Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care
At True Vine, the Pastors take great pleasure in caring for God’s flock.
Administration of Ordiances
Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are available to those who profess Christ as their Lord and Savior.
We are here to assist you with your wedding plans and to make this a solemn and joyful occasion.
Funeral Arrangements
Losing a loved one is never easy. The Pastor and the True Vine Church family will assist you in bearing your burden. We will come beside you with prayer, compassion and encouragement.
Ministry of the Word
There is no greater duty than to feed the flock of God. (Acts 20-28; II Tim. 2:24-26). Many times the woes of one’s life can be avoided if they heed the frequent, consistent counsel coming from the pulpit. The pastoral staff works tirelessly to make sure they present a historical, contextual understanding of the text while giving relevant, life changing principles. Pastoral Care at True Vine is Bible-centered so the functions of exhorting, admonishing, reproving and rebuking those within the flock of God both in and out of the pulpit can be carried out with loving, effective attention. (II Tim. 4:1-5)
Prayer is very important at True Vine. Written prayer request can be given to the ushers during service to be placed in the prayer box in the front of the church and at the end of service the Pastor and the ministers will pray over all the requests. Your Prayer request can also be emailed and will receive immediate attention. After preaching our Pastor calls a prayer line and prays for each individual who desires prayer.